
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Scarce Tolerance Times

Автор крайне грамотно проводит тезис о небезобидности и небесплатности социальных сетей. Получая возможность окружить себя "похожими" людьми в виртуальном контакте, мы теряем способность уживаться и просто находить общие точки с людьми вообще. Кроме того, отдельная горькая пилюля раскрывается в повальном увлечении виртуальным/текстовым общением.

Now that would be awesome if it were actually possible to keep all of the irritating shit out of your life. But, it's not. It never will be. As long as you have needs, you'll have to deal with people you can't stand from time to time. We're losing that skill, the one that lets us deal with strangers and tolerate their shrill voices and clunky senses of humor and body odor and squeaky shoes.
The problem is that peacefully dealing with incompatible people is crucial to living in a society. In fact, if you think about it, peacefully dealing with people you can't stand is society. Just people with opposite tastes and conflicting personalities sharing space and cooperating, often through gritted teeth.
Fifty years ago, you had to sit in a crowded room to see a movie. You didn't get to choose; you either did that or you missed the movie. When you got a new car, everyone on the block came and stood in your yard to look it over. You can bet that some of those people were assholes.

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